Friday, December 10, 2010

Having To Have License To Be A Stripper

My new old oriental treasure ...

is getting on in years ... a 6o centimeters serving tinned copper with a Persian motif.
Man looks at the part that it was used often and gladly. This is what makes the charm of this piece.

How To Build A Limberjack Or Jig Doll

Alpha Speed Reading appeared and the sustainability

On 1 April 2011 I will publish on this blog a message that it American researchers has finally managed to develop a pill for fast reading. It increases the reading speed by 1000%, but has only 2 hours. And only in America Save text. I bet that this contribution will have 1000% more clicks than usual. In my reading
alpha-seminars, there are always students who think they can suddenly read by flipping an imaginary switch faster, and quite unrealistic faster.
Ina Schmidt writes this happy in their lesenswertem and exciting book "power thinking"?

These participants are then surprised by what pedagogical tricks I believe in action and then, ultimately, bring on where they wanted too, usually still a good deal.
not Enough, I think the participants after the seminar still breathing: a few minutes every day to carry out certain exercises and for 21 days, driven by e-mail from me. Overall, perhaps 2 to 3 hours, but which are crucial and "lever" are folded down.
participants reported to be the guarantor for the achievement of the concentrated participation in the seminar and the 21-day post-training with instructions from me. This aspect of the transfer of security makes my seminars lasting effect. Paper in his hand, but high-tech. The newspaper itself is constantly updated as soon as there is something new, change images and text in seconds. The
with E-Ink (electronic ink) or e-paper (electronic paper) involved technicians work around the world that the vision of the Harry Potter stories come true soon. Because ... full article

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting Phlegm Out Of Baby Throat

Harry Potter reads "Daily Prophet "on E-Paper

he Hamburger child psychiatrist Michael Schulte-Markwort found in 2009 (TIME No. 09/09) that biologically optimized in order to light the reading speed 35 percent increase. This has been tested at 116 students. Similarly, they showed significantly more attention. To
the importance of bright light, it is also in the No. 44 / 10 TIME: "The ringing of the alarm clock brings us to but the legs, sleepiness, however, it often can not drive enough. What mattered, were "light and our genes," says Dieter Kunz. "These two things determine especially when we are awake and active." Kunz is chief of the Department of Sleep Medicine at St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus Berlin. His specialty is chronobiology, the science of the body clock. Kunz and investigated, especially in the school. Eight classrooms of Queen Luise-Stiftung in Berlin-Dahlem said the scientists' laboratories. Four of the categories shall be "Biologically optimal" ceiling lamps fitted. They resemble each other automatically in the daily running of changing light conditions, they also emit light and other colors than conventional lamps.
is compared after six months, what students have learned more in math - those new to the lamps or those in other classes? Kunz is convinced that better light positively affected the learning performance, not only among school students. Many homes, offices and subway trains are too dark, says the doctor. Once he equipped ten of its students with sensor-studded eyeglass frames and sent them through a normal working day. The glasses were, the amount of light arriving on the eye: average of only 50 lux "As you notice no idea that the day has already begun," says Kunz. Therefore, he helps the weary students to now: if it is pitch dark out there in the winter yet, 500 Lux radiate from the ceiling, much stronger light than usual.

But not only the intensity of light affects our alertness, but also its color. Beginning of the decade, discovered the first British and American researchers on the retinal rods and cones in addition to a third Rezeptorenart. These cells respond mainly to blue light of 480 nanometers wavelength. Send stimuli to the so-called suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). There sits the control center of our inner Clock, a few inches behind the nose. The SCN conducts metabolism, body temperature and brain activity of people in the 24-hour rhythm. Blue light inhibits the secretion of this hormone melatonin fatigue and makes us awake shortly. radiates Therefore in Kunz '"biologically optimal" model class white blue from the ceiling - not yellowish dim light as usual
With a similar experimental setup has the Hamburg child psychiatrist Michael had tested Schulte-Markwort, short-term effects of biologically optimized light at 116 students [. ..] (see above). Kunz 'long-term study will run until the middle of next year. But even today believes the chronobiologist: "The only thing we can do wrong is to let the light as it is now commonly." on the efficacy of blue light against fatigue I have 2008 journal

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Diagram Bugatti Engine

Germany - A Winter's Tale

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quantum Web Camera Images

Beautiful Witten

Witten, longing of my dreams, you're like
rich in beauty,
grow on the trees Bredder
middle of the sidewalk.
Kappus grows on your seats,
houses alternate with the corridor.
Oh, how beautiful you are too high
Witten appreciate the watch!

As thy station building
I saw none of my life, and the original source of every joy

is the station crossing.
your Gußstahlwerkes relieving
breathed, by nature, but your children are happy
Beautiful Witten!

But not only the surface
is your glory and your decorative, very famous

is your bill is "Frank" in you.
drops the bottom unter'n feet
shows the house of the crack trace, then you can
"Frank" greet
Beautiful Witten!

also on Sundays and public holidays
in Witten's is too nice, because after
Dortmund, Bochum, Hagen
do you solve a return ticket.
evening reverse the sound, nor the twelve
Clock strikes again in your peace
Beautiful Witten!

maintains the streets
's sometimes uncomfortable to be,
hergelauf'ne guys
wedges itself in the night the skull.
All evil, all evil comes from outside
to you just because you are in
's only fair
Beautiful Witten!

Should I once divorced from you, as
Could I such a pain?
Must I avoid your walls would break my heart
only one I want to achieve,
that if my clock runs out, you fade
in my bones,
Beautiful Witten!

unknown poet, created around 1908

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Clean Ear Wax Bluetooth

Fast reading with bright light

"According to a survey by the Emnid Institute can be the desire to read books again. 28 percent of respondents said that they have read this year in their spare time, no book. Two years ago it was 20 percent. That they would have 2010 already read one or more books outside of school and work, said 72 percent of respondents. Two years ago, 80 percent expressed Sun - The polling firm surveyed, on behalf of the "Bild am Sonntag" on the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair 500 federal citizens over 14 years. "( )
" The Germans read more rare books. 72 percent were reading this year in their leisure time at least a book that they had not read from academic or professional reasons, as a representative survey of the Emnid Institute showed on behalf of the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. 28 percent, ie over a quarter had not read a book out of pure interest. Two years ago, the proportion of those who desire to read in their spare time, even at 80 percent. marked differences at the between West and East Germany. To the west of the survey, 25 percent were reading a book this year in the Arts in the East it was 42 percent. In addition, women would rather read than men: 78 percent of female respondents said that they have read so far this year, at least one book, with the male respondents but only 64 percent were "(
afp via Google
learn something. we from that?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Initiation University Ideas

Following yesterday's post, here are some suggestions from the book "Aroma Therapy" "by Eliane Zimmermann.
Essential Oils for Anxiety, nightmares, shock and Grief:
neroli, petit grain, orange blossom
Chamomile Roman
Mandarin and Petit Grain Mandarinier
lavender fine / wild
jasmine, ylang-ylang, iris 1%
per 1 Tr. three oils in the fragrance lamp or 1 Tr. on tissue and inhale or incorporated in a perfume balm or scooter.

Tweety Bird Music Box


We are sad. A 15jähr. Girl has died in our place in their lives. One might not imagine what is going on in the parents. Especially if you, like myself, have children myself. Since I will be back painful aware of how quickly change the lives of one minute kann.Von to the other, everything is different. That one must always be grateful for each day is the one with his family and the children, even when one is often terribly angry with each other. This powerlessness to have been not his child to be able to do anything even though it was only 100 meters from the home were killed. Unimaginable. I wish the family and make all other similar through the infinite eschehene had a lot of strength and good people who help the G somehow make it bearable.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Shorten Phiten Necklace

If it's cold and uncomfortable, then do a warm bath really good:
Antifröstel - Herbstbad
100 ml cream
5 drops. 5 drops vanilla
. Mandarin red
3 Tr. Neroli
and if the mood is depressed:
Bad mood
100 ml cream
8 Tr. Lavender fine
1 Tr. Neroli
1 Tr. Rose

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blue Bandana Clothing Jackets


Yes, autumn is here. Now you notice it very clearly. The sauna area in the Ishara was visited on Monday and well I could not complain about the lack of utilization. The massage guests gave again the handle in his hand. So it's fun. Maybe they're in the fortunate position and have their own sauna at home. Then why not try out the Kennenlernset aroma sauna from Primavera. The stress melts into air, the skin is soft to the touch, the soul to breathe and the immune system gets the necessary kick.
Orange Ginger:
  • Orange lifts the mood and relieves tension.
  • ginger brings the spirit going and sharpens the senses.
Lemon Grass cedar:
  • Lemongrass gives a clear mind.
  • cedar oil harmonized, promotes courage and Selbsvertrauen and strengthens the nerves.
grapefruit lime:
  • Grapefruit stimulates the mind.
  • lime oil lifts the mood and gives confidence.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Denise Milani Stream X

Almost perfect Illussion ...

warm the soul in the Sunday sunshine with coffee and lemon cream pie and the pie in the Çiğdem Pastanesi heart Remember the old city of Istanbul can. Luckily I bought after the first divine pleasure as two of the little plates.

Monday, October 11, 2010

White Spots On Tooth Get Worse After Exercising

late summer early autumn joys

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Compatibility Snake And Sheep

I stand up to

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Verizon Wireless Pc5750 Pc Card To Usbadaptor

Emnid: Reading for pleasure can

intelligent tools for the sinking in the flood of information
counter the growth of text, magazine and book stacks to help against the lengthening of the list of unread mail only new - and thus unusual - strategies. These relate first to read for yourself: We use as adults have learned in childhood
"flat reading" that sticks to words and sentences. But we adults need techniques to bring out in a short time the most important information from large amounts of text and link with memory. This has nothing to do with hastily-read. We call it "deep reading"

2) The immediate
division into important and unimportant 3) Because of the unshakeable belief that one can not remember all that, many contemporaries, most texts do not even longer available. This one should not remember EVERYTHING, but the important thing, and keep the memories laid almost automatically.

about these topics, among others in our new
Alpha-speed-reading seminars .

Friday, October 8, 2010

How Can You Get Dahvie Vanity To Do Your Hair

...;-) Oh - already autumn ...

Time goes by very quickly, I hardly have time to post here
though I shot hundreds of photos in recent weeks.
Everywhere interesting things, a very interesting man ..;-)
and similar large events come thick and fast right now ... literally

Now let the summer go, let fly
storm and winds.
If these are my rose,
How could I sad?

Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Symptoms To Expect When Going Off Hrt

From Flat-read for deep-reading

But, it is thought to have stress, printed works of e-books make even more clearly offside. » This year's Frankfurt Book Fair devoted to the topic of e-Reader and e-books in an appropriate manner. Compared to the classic book of the electronic reading fun playing in this country but still vanishingly small role. The consumer interest in new media and their importance is growing doubt - but only at a snail's pace. Even the print titles to the German book market to determine a possible large respectful distance. "

The development is irreversible, as it did Gutenberg's invention of printing. He changed the way of representing texts qualitätiv and quantitatively. The current phenomenon is the first qualitative sector. Texts can be represented in forms with no special extra costs are simply too expensive in the print process. Add to that the interactivity, the user-specific modification potential of creative development. These are the indisputable advantages. From Printwirtschafct including, strangely enough, the publishers are feared above all the quantitative dimension. And this one looks like the mouse to the snake on which - and no wonder you currently have - low percentages of E-books. Print people will wake up! The trend toward electronic is unstoppable. Uses the time to develop new media models. Large user groups makes reading attractive. Pay no attention to "transfer passengers" (they are anyway!) But on the feeds. Not wasting the opportunity to win new audiences. . Even those who have never taken a book in hand or it would never do so think And remember: the computer should realize the paperless office. And what came of it?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dummies For Derivative - Pdf

Frankfurt Book Fair provides uninterrupted reading trend oversleeps but other trends

If you know the alpha-reading seminars on their own experience and appreciate, you can become an affiliate or partner in the alpha reading program. You will receive an attractive commission and pay for the renewed participation in our open seminars considerably less.

parts Please let us know by e-mail
that you want to be alpha-Affiliate reading by actively recruit participants for our open seminars.
Become alpha reading partner
let us know by that you want to be alpha-reading partners by at least an internal alpha / business reading seminar (in a company or an organization , a group) on a daily rate or fixed-price basis (of course adapted to organize ourselves).
Then ... get immediately an information sheet with instructions and conditions, you undbekommen also in our application forms under "or our partners' own entry.
  • very desirable ...
    is a qualified support for your efforts, which also - if you want it - in the blog and on a "participant votes" page appears.
  • Thursday, September 30, 2010

    Tiffany Blue With Black And White

    The new calendar for 2011 are now available in the shop. Of course, the Advent calendar scent of Primavera. Every day a new perfume sniff out and find perhaps his favorite oil for the new year. From Prima Vera 's for this week give away even more beautiful new and deductibles.

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    M Jak Milosc Film Online

    new development - Voltage

    There are days when I search in vain for my inner balance. Nothing runs smoothly. As disappears the English correction of my son and the teacher distributed a 6 equal fear of mathematics and the next class work anyway. My daughter has trouble with me and it leaves out of her friends. And then also the neighbor ringing the wrong time. If something goes wrong then right and you could feel the whole world is conspiring against you. I just got my Massagetag in Ishara is that an opportunity for me to draw some power. For even the type of massage can be very relaxing and balancing. I can feel the warm oil and hot stones, I let me on it and it's like a little meditation. The thoughts come to rest and the world is beautiful again, if the guest leaves the room and smiles.

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Claories In Chicken Chow Mein


    The Romans used lavender to scent of freshly washed laundry and bath water. It also says that it the "Swiss knife" of aromatherapy is lavender because from time immemorial - since Deskurides `materia medica from the 1st Century to Rene-Maurice Gattefosse `` who developed in 1928 the modern aromatherapy - for its healing properties is estimated. I must confess I've never been a special friend of the lavender scent, but since France, the last holiday and a visit to the Lavender Museum has changed my perception of smell. A picture of the lavender museum follows.

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    Celexa And Sleeping A Lto

    New: Be alpha reading affiliate and alpha reading partner

  • N ot only executives complain about the bad feelings that arise in the growth of text, magazine and book stacks, while lengthening the list of unread mail.

  • help here only

  • new - and unusual - .
    These will cover the reading itself, which has since high school leveled off at 180 to 300 words per minute. Possible over 1000 WPM.

    These will cover the immediate division into important (important for what?) and unimportant .
    The underdevelopment of these skills leads to heap and stack formation and brings full Shelves of unread books.
    These will cover the unshakable faith
    , you can not remember everything. This leads to the one in the nature of the self-fulfilling prophecy, most texts do not even take the hand. Also, most lack the courage to
    gap. I am coach for strategic Speed-Reading at Work and attack in my seminars

    on 6 and 7 November 2010 in Bonn 15-16. January 2011 Berlin 29-30. January 2011 in Munich

    on 2 / 3 April 2011 in Bonn
    these issues and to leave even after the seminar not give up.
    The new strategies have to be a habit.

    I set up a group rate:
    minimum of 2 persons 450 instead of 590 euros per person (+ VAT).

    Many information »Alpha reading - The benefits of information overload," here: is

    of these forms: / registration-prospering / registration-einzel.html

    phone am I to achieve 0228 74825 65
    Klaus C. Marwitz

    Thursday, September 9, 2010

    Difference Between Rat Terriers Fox Terrier

    The benefits of information overload

    After numerous corporate seminars on »alpha reading - Strategic Speed-Reading in the flood of information and the workplace"
    there is again a Autumn Season open seminars: 02/03. October 2010 ( Saturday / Sunday
    ) the Bonn / Cologne

    23-24. October 2010 (Saturday / Sunday) the Munich registrations are now open. registration ends 14 days before the seminar starts.

    Biffy Clyro Piano Midi

    Lavender Blue Gold

    you know the difference between lavender and Lavandin?
    Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) growing in 800 m altitude, in the dry hills of Provence. It has only one stem, is a small Pflanze.Der Lavender was popular due to its fine fragrance in the perfume manufacturers and has been very well the "blue gold of the Region". The fine fragrance, it was also the name of the mountain lavender "fine" or brought "true" lavender.
    panicles are 130 kg to produce 1 liter of essential oil distillation is necessary. A hectare of lavender cultivation in good years can result in up to 25 liters of essential oil.
    Spike lavender grows in 000-600 meters, in the southern French-shrub, "Garrigues" called. There is a large plant with several branches. Spike lavender is in France because of its strong scent little used in Spain and Portugal, it is used as diluent for oil paints and porcelain color insert.
    Lavandin is growing worldwide at an altitude of 000-800 meters and is a large plant with two branches and well-developed flower spikes that form a spherical clump. It is an intersection of real and Spike lavender. Lavandin is often confused with real lavender. It is the scent of Lavandin intensive and far less delicate than that of genuine lavender. The flower spikes are used for the production of "lavender sachets.
    only about 40 kg of flower spikes are required for 1 liter of essential lavender oil (a far greater yield than the genuine lavender!).
    Source: Lavender Museum

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Nyu Dental School Cost

    alpha-reading seminars in the fall of 2010

    In expert portal N24 "who knows what," I was asked the question of how to increase the viewing range:
    I like following exercise would improve my view range to perform "Take a book and three as the text by drawing two longitudinal lines. Use the lines as fixed points. " I wonder now,

    a) if I my left eye to the first longitudinal line and the right to judge on the second long line, so the soft look to train, say to squint with your eyes? (My two eyes look at two different locations) or b) whether I should now fix with both eyes on me the first longitudinal line and then make the line a second long jump? (My two eyes look to the same place). Answer:
    general, it is important to increase the distance between eyes and book to 35 to 40 centimeters. The "soft look" to train in addition to the viewing of stereograms .

    Good Exercise to widen the view range is if you look in a text with long lines (not a magazine with several columns) in the middle of the line (without desperately for a word to look) and exercise without looking at the beginning and the end of the line. Refine the exercise by the fact that you - again to look no - the words left and right of the line center are (and always to look the urge to resist And that's a whole page long This is not a reading but an exercise to expand the view range.. . to your question a): So please do not!
    to your question b): after you have made exercise above a few times, go to your text using the 2 vertical strokes way:

    Start with the first Line:
    Place your index finger under the left intersection line / line and then run the finger to the right intersection, where the eyes are pulled from the finger, without having to be fixed by the text. And again, line by line in a constant rhythm (which is important). Do not concentrate on the content of the text, but take it only true. It is not about reading, but strategic leadership around the eyes. The more and the faster you do it, the more likely you will notice that your attention is "wider. You will also be noted that push more and more text content to the memory.

    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Solar Grid Tie Inverter Schematic

    Everywhere chocolate and vanilla ...

    How To Get Rid Of A Scorpio Man

    Sunday half past nine in Dresden ... The

    have today ... we had breakfast comfortably in the sunshine on the balcony.

    The sunflowers bloom at last. They were the remnants of winter bird food :-)

    Checked makes us happy ...

    The Moroccan mint thrives and blossoms lilac ...

    stool (Fermob) from France, ancient amphora from Turkey. Both former
    from my little shop.
    Flechtkissen and bamboo window shade from the recycling center, old shutters rescued from the dump ...

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Remington 870 Super Mag Receiver For Sale

    with the bikini in the evening ...

    was ... a bit too exaggerated. It scratched in the neck, however, are degrees
    a hot souvenir from Istanbul, bought at Koska on Istiklal.
    falls for the Turkish to me from time to time on the similarity to Bulgarian.
    Portakal hot oranges, the Bulgarian Portokal. And
    Arabic provides the most beautiful of:


    And because the grade is so beautiful and also by the time fits wonderfully, here one of the most distinctive sounds of Istanbul.

    these videos are also good by a Swiss performance artist.