Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting Phlegm Out Of Baby Throat

Harry Potter reads "Daily Prophet "on E-Paper

he Hamburger child psychiatrist Michael Schulte-Markwort found in 2009 (TIME No. 09/09) that biologically optimized in order to light the reading speed 35 percent increase. This has been tested at 116 students. Similarly, they showed significantly more attention. To
the importance of bright light, it is also in the No. 44 / 10 TIME: "The ringing of the alarm clock brings us to but the legs, sleepiness, however, it often can not drive enough. What mattered, were "light and our genes," says Dieter Kunz. "These two things determine especially when we are awake and active." Kunz is chief of the Department of Sleep Medicine at St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus Berlin. His specialty is chronobiology, the science of the body clock. Kunz and investigated, especially in the school. Eight classrooms of Queen Luise-Stiftung in Berlin-Dahlem said the scientists' laboratories. Four of the categories shall be "Biologically optimal" ceiling lamps fitted. They resemble each other automatically in the daily running of changing light conditions, they also emit light and other colors than conventional lamps.
is compared after six months, what students have learned more in math - those new to the lamps or those in other classes? Kunz is convinced that better light positively affected the learning performance, not only among school students. Many homes, offices and subway trains are too dark, says the doctor. Once he equipped ten of its students with sensor-studded eyeglass frames and sent them through a normal working day. The glasses were, the amount of light arriving on the eye: average of only 50 lux "As you notice no idea that the day has already begun," says Kunz. Therefore, he helps the weary students to now: if it is pitch dark out there in the winter yet, 500 Lux radiate from the ceiling, much stronger light than usual.

But not only the intensity of light affects our alertness, but also its color. Beginning of the decade, discovered the first British and American researchers on the retinal rods and cones in addition to a third Rezeptorenart. These cells respond mainly to blue light of 480 nanometers wavelength. Send stimuli to the so-called suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). There sits the control center of our inner Clock, a few inches behind the nose. The SCN conducts metabolism, body temperature and brain activity of people in the 24-hour rhythm. Blue light inhibits the secretion of this hormone melatonin fatigue and makes us awake shortly. radiates Therefore in Kunz '"biologically optimal" model class white blue from the ceiling - not yellowish dim light as usual
With a similar experimental setup has the Hamburg child psychiatrist Michael had tested Schulte-Markwort, short-term effects of biologically optimized light at 116 students [. ..] (see above). Kunz 'long-term study will run until the middle of next year. But even today believes the chronobiologist: "The only thing we can do wrong is to let the light as it is now commonly." on the efficacy of blue light against fatigue I have 2008 journal


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