Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Th Cavalry Division Stetson Hat

link of the week 2 / 2011: online photography course from Tom! Striewisch

The book "The great humboldt photo course. From admission the finished picture. All about camera and accessories. Digital Imaging "Tom! Striewisch is at the link below and completely free on the Internet. For this, the author writes in the foreword:

"During my time as a teacher of photography at various Adult Education, I have met many people who were interested in photography, but had difficulties in implementing their ideas.
Little by little I learned from these situations to help various people in solving these problems. The knowledge acquired in this way I have used since 1996 to build here a photography course for all interested parties, of photography "from scratch" to learn makes. And I wanted both the technical and the creative side of photography account ....
the beginning of the course on the internet photo acted only from photography to film. In 1996, we were just still very far from the mass distribution of digital photography.
Dashat egändert is fundamental.
And so the picture has also changed course constantly. Through a gradual transition with first one and then later more specific chapters on digital photography is the content this Wesbite now more or less exclusively digital photography. Some analog issues such as developing and enlarging negatives or the Estonians immersion of films using the zone system are not directly represented.
If it continues you are interested, please send me an email, I present some of the pages as PDF. work
Since basic techniques of analog photography as well as in digital photography (aperture, time, depth of field, motion display, Perpspektive, recording location, focal length, converging lines, tilt-shift lenses, flash, etc. pp.) can certainly those readers which (again?) for film-based photography interest, remove many of the basic information from the photo tutorial on the web . By low-cost computers and software now for (almost) everyone possible digital image processing is probably one of the most important changes in photography in the last 100 years.
Most people had used so only the possibility to draw their pictures on the drug store next to a large laboratory to send.
came from there then "something" back. In part, this was quite pleasing enlargements, but often enough the result was unfortunately disappointing. Many Photo enthusiasts had so very little influence on this important process of image formation.
But that has changed now.
through relatively inexpensive high-performance printer can now print the pictures at home in high quality.
Or you send the pictures to fit ready for the digital lighting on the large laboratory or does the minilab from around the corner.
the to magnify, we can now choose to adjust the color tone to our idea of the picture, and we can even disappear or annoying details such as converging lines fix by software.
But this is back new expertise necessary because the images have to be so prepared. "

link to the online course


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