Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brookstone U-control Phantom Rc Helicopter Trim

Transfer Speed Reading Seminar in Berlin on 12-13. March 2011

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How do you like it?
The daily flood of texts, such as e-mails, reports, magazines, inquiries is easily processed, all the important content is documented. The current gain certain knowledge, for example, meant that you - in a short time very well prepared - could go into a meeting, a conversation or the like. This pro-active information management facilitates your daily work every day a bit more. Stress with the information overload? Which it existed in the past. And the flood of information has lost its terror. It is the inexhaustible source of knowledge.
this almost heavenly state is established quickly for you: The base
you learn in 2 days seminar of 8 hours plus 3 hours E-learning after the seminar, spread over 9 days. Then have the ground in the state described above techniques and are required to become a habit.

include these basic techniques including:
  • the strategic speed-reading,
  • to quickly find important things, the document
  • Mind-mapping,
  • relaxing (Implementation of the seminar topics in everyday life) in pressure situations,
  • to work on your transfer strength
  • the team-learning.
The open two-day event is called "alpha reading, 2011 - Strategic Speed-Reading" in the flood of information. The next event in Berlin: 12-13. March 2011.

This allows tuning the participants to the seminar, before I give some information. Therefore, a registration until 10 February 2011 required.

For more information and registration options - also for groups - please click here.


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