Sunday, January 23, 2011

Article On Bose V David Clark

I find irresistible ...

first My friend ;-)
second Lemon cream tart

third Oriental trays

This new course is completely different from others ;-) and even has a little history. The Seller was professional from 1981 to 1984 in Casablanca and let himself make the part in the bazaar. He sought for a so-called "marriage pattern" of.
Since "Heinz" was so flat, like German (and not only ...) on it are sometimes just as he has "supervised" the work on his tray (O-Ton. ..!) An oriental craftsmen according to the statement of Mr. K. 3 days working on it.
now I have truly been very many of these pieces (old and new) can examine and even have a small collection.
All this trays and table tops tell stories. The most wonderful in pictures of Persian climes, from North Africa have akurat worked very closely placed filigree patterns.
told The Tablet the Heinz above all, a harried by a craftsman ...
You see this is not the same when you look at the picture. The details yet but it already.
I like it nonetheless. It is the great for all days. Especially the summer days at my new (yet to be built) it is upholstered benches great embellishment. But somehow, not without a pinch of foreign ashamed ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brookstone U-control Phantom Rc Helicopter Trim

Transfer Speed Reading Seminar in Berlin on 12-13. March 2011

© -

How do you like it?
The daily flood of texts, such as e-mails, reports, magazines, inquiries is easily processed, all the important content is documented. The current gain certain knowledge, for example, meant that you - in a short time very well prepared - could go into a meeting, a conversation or the like. This pro-active information management facilitates your daily work every day a bit more. Stress with the information overload? Which it existed in the past. And the flood of information has lost its terror. It is the inexhaustible source of knowledge.
this almost heavenly state is established quickly for you: The base
you learn in 2 days seminar of 8 hours plus 3 hours E-learning after the seminar, spread over 9 days. Then have the ground in the state described above techniques and are required to become a habit.

include these basic techniques including:
  • the strategic speed-reading,
  • to quickly find important things, the document
  • Mind-mapping,
  • relaxing (Implementation of the seminar topics in everyday life) in pressure situations,
  • to work on your transfer strength
  • the team-learning.
The open two-day event is called "alpha reading, 2011 - Strategic Speed-Reading" in the flood of information. The next event in Berlin: 12-13. March 2011.

This allows tuning the participants to the seminar, before I give some information. Therefore, a registration until 10 February 2011 required.

For more information and registration options - also for groups - please click here.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tastes Like Copenhagen Long Cut

Good intentions for the psyche

I've done again (more or less regular basis) to update my blog.
This year, some changes in my massage work. The Ishara, where I am every Monday, is completely renovated and will end April to probably October. Massages are still possible in my massage room in Oerlinghausen and hopefully soon also in the vital center in Bad Salzuflen.

From 28-30. Found again in January instead of the Bielefeld Health Days in the City of Bielefeld. On Saturday I will be there all day and they have the option of me, our massage and get to know the Ishara Massage Team. Be Welcome!

matter how difficult the yesterday was the day you can always start over.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cervical Mucus 11 Days Past Ovulation

motivation for knowledge workers: reading literacy coaching

Doreen Salcedo -
whom the dilemma between the reading of existing obligations and time is too dangerous, and who the next alpha-reading seminar will be removed in time too far its strategic reading skills can be coached accurately and promptly.

in companies or organizations, it can happen that a small group of employees must work through in a short time by large amounts of reading and other knowledge materials. Or is it an important exam is coming up, and some documents have not yet been processed, or only fleetingly.

There is the possibility of literacy coaching . This is a particularly intense form of learning and practicing for one to four people.

The coaching will take at least a day that can be patched as part-time with a few days break. Optimal 2 days. Coach Klaus C. Marwitz. Before the start of certain agreements are to be made.


reading-skills coaching for executives

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Th Cavalry Division Stetson Hat

link of the week 2 / 2011: online photography course from Tom! Striewisch

The book "The great humboldt photo course. From admission the finished picture. All about camera and accessories. Digital Imaging "Tom! Striewisch is at the link below and completely free on the Internet. For this, the author writes in the foreword:

"During my time as a teacher of photography at various Adult Education, I have met many people who were interested in photography, but had difficulties in implementing their ideas.
Little by little I learned from these situations to help various people in solving these problems. The knowledge acquired in this way I have used since 1996 to build here a photography course for all interested parties, of photography "from scratch" to learn makes. And I wanted both the technical and the creative side of photography account ....
the beginning of the course on the internet photo acted only from photography to film. In 1996, we were just still very far from the mass distribution of digital photography.
Dashat egändert is fundamental.
And so the picture has also changed course constantly. Through a gradual transition with first one and then later more specific chapters on digital photography is the content this Wesbite now more or less exclusively digital photography. Some analog issues such as developing and enlarging negatives or the Estonians immersion of films using the zone system are not directly represented.
If it continues you are interested, please send me an email, I present some of the pages as PDF. work
Since basic techniques of analog photography as well as in digital photography (aperture, time, depth of field, motion display, Perpspektive, recording location, focal length, converging lines, tilt-shift lenses, flash, etc. pp.) can certainly those readers which (again?) for film-based photography interest, remove many of the basic information from the photo tutorial on the web . By low-cost computers and software now for (almost) everyone possible digital image processing is probably one of the most important changes in photography in the last 100 years.
Most people had used so only the possibility to draw their pictures on the drug store next to a large laboratory to send.
came from there then "something" back. In part, this was quite pleasing enlargements, but often enough the result was unfortunately disappointing. Many Photo enthusiasts had so very little influence on this important process of image formation.
But that has changed now.
through relatively inexpensive high-performance printer can now print the pictures at home in high quality.
Or you send the pictures to fit ready for the digital lighting on the large laboratory or does the minilab from around the corner.
the to magnify, we can now choose to adjust the color tone to our idea of the picture, and we can even disappear or annoying details such as converging lines fix by software.
But this is back new expertise necessary because the images have to be so prepared. "

link to the online course

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pacific Science Center Promotion

It's so green ...

ago 3 days on the evening appointed, yesterday in the mailbox:
nylons in beautiful colors and good fit.
interesting that these parts in Saxony, namely in the village
Pegau at Leipzig will be produced ... And because these attracted
WE discounts on Funnylegs,
I reordered the same again ...

The fig in the bath has also been spring fever ...

fricassee mit grünen Erbsen und fluffigem Pirinç
(türkischer Reis). Mhm...

Beim sonntäglichen Entspannen anschließend einen
der köstlichen türkischen Kekse von Tatlıcılar , die ich
kürzlich geschenkt bekam;-)

Und ein bisschen vorbereitende Lektüre
für unsere nächste Reise...

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Phone Sticker Is Pink

blümerant, Delicate & Nice to Friday

My Highlights of the day (from head to toe, dressed in new Turquoise):
is funny when Miss flower and go to the doctor who introduces himself with
"Dr. Blümel"
; -.
is great, if I do an about 90 year old Granny a compliment, and then says, yes it can with the outfit only to be warmer ;-)

is super that I was finally able to buy white narcissus fragrance. Nicely balanced
are they now find a wonderful old tea caddy. Made in GDR, from the delicate. Newly filled with delicious tea from the Orient Bazaar .

brought To top off the post man just a fine package. I originally wanted in the huge old oil cans of the English brand Carbonell (20 liters, about 50 cm high) plant a beautiful tree from the south. It seems to me, but almost too good: some have researched. The rifle is well over 70 years ... The railway mail

latest trailer seems to be from the 1940s ...

and someone has even gasoline stored in it. Says at least the fixed line with paper label on the back ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Large Cylinder Storage Containers

Miss crocheted flowers flowers

The last time I crocheted with about 6 years ago when my aunt Erna on a blanket has been outside the house. Accordingly, my first attempts were very questionable.
my day started at 8 clock. Before me the laptop with a demonstration video on Youtube. Do not know how many times I've separated all over again. About 15
clock I was quite happy with the result, but believe not that I necessarily even have to do an. Although I understand the system now well and then even developed my own plan. So we went ahead and very plastic, it was not quite as boring as before.
The bloom is now sitting neatly stitched on my new chic cap, which (have turquoise wool dream the dream price we brought back from Istanbul, Bazaar) scarf over my mom yesterday brought together.
Only a dream flower was missing Miss flowers to their happiness.

Since I was already dizzy with hunger, I then reached for a quick Blümchensalamischnittchen.
To fit the food to the cap, and to me ;-)
flowers make you happy. And Miss flower is once again very happy. Since ego
may also clothes moderately balanced, I was again yesterday for hours turquoise for a suitable Strumpfhöslein what is not me because of my size in height of the knees.
throughout Dresden nil. But something I've discovered what makes all the color nylon stockings fans swoon. An online shipping (I ordered at the same time of course, what Opaque Turquoise and great green beams).
The name says it all: Funnylegs . I think, as I discover more possibilities ...

Logitech R-rb5 Replacement Usb

Another new passion

silk carpets with very nice fine patterns.
carpets from the Orient, I sometimes found itself very nicely.
When I saw this one , I had to at least take some pictures,
bars I can not tell me.
you are antique, knotted around 1910 in Persia.

Milenavelba .de Galeries

The next summer is coming soon ...

do to me now why I ever thought convenient for prospects in the summer.
I would like the rotten, impractical and last year makeshift repaired by a kind of oriental furniture replace seating area with thick cushions.
The first sketches have been brought to me many ideas.
Even with the project I've done, really nothing to print but has an existing or yet-to-find process (eg from the recycling center). I think this will make fun again.
I will keep you on the project to date.
A component (a so-called half-range) has already been found. Has perfect dimensions and is very stable. For practical and easy to care for it should be. I was inspired among other things, a simple Moroccan wooden table. Very quaint ...

I replace my square table for reasons of space by a found object with a stable curved iron frame. Which is now white, sky blue, but soon ... To cap
I treat myself at last the longed for years pomegranate tree ;-).

What Happens When A Man Goes Into Ejaculation?

Inspired by the white outside the window ...

... I was overcome with a wintry feel like cleaning.
Omis old wooden table was given a brush massage
with pleasantly scented olive soap and now shines in wonderful soft glow.

who has no olive soap, for which there in the nice drug store chain (the one with the 2 letter) is a wonderfully scented cleaning products on the basis of Savon de Marseille plus orange blossom water.

Only with these tricks I consider myself moderately cute on water. It even makes me fun.

when I brush my Omi had to think, I myself can also make a porridge cooked. With mandarin slices. Just as she served it to me as a child. And since I shrivel in passing from the apples that started slowly, apple sauce had cooked Thats has a warm dollop on top. Yummy ...

a new "protector" I've also been hanging just above the table.

Building A Granny Flat

The year begins so well ...

... as the old one ended. Relaxed, we have Christmas Eve super tasty pistachio marzipan and chocolate-orange almond praline magic. Recipe here.

In light of the Christmas Tree (inspired by my Siberian friend Andrei, relevant also known as "Andreas from the Soviet Union" I spontaneously a wild mix of colorful oriental glass cones, orthodox sacred gold splendor, amphorae terracotta and old Soviet decorations - my favorites:
pink missile with the words CCCP and green pickles ;-) suspended. Snowflakes light up the small trees this time aptly

What To Wear To Brown Alumni Interview

harms reading in the dark eyes / munchkinmoo
Causes damage to his eyes when we read in the dark, better in the twilight? This question drives to many people, leading to concern for their own health and that of the children involved.
The concern is unfounded. More important, it is a Reading distance of about 30 centimeters to fall below. As the matter is going technically, describes a contribution "to the website" You come there to the conclusion:
»read out at dawn but to increased degradation of the visual purple, but has no long term damage resulted, as the visual purple regenerated. However, it is not advisable to drive after reading in the dark car as the Sehpurpurmenge and thus the vision in the course of the evening may have decreased. The next morning, the eyes, however, are again fully efficient, since the visual purple during sleep has been rebuilt completely. "
Link the article

link to blog entry Quick Read "with bright light"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Marrine Wrestling Singlets

link of the week 1 / 2011: Online bookstore Hartmann

In our new blog area "link" of the week we will provide you with regular links in particularly think your are Internet presentation.

We start with the new online bookshop of the Hartmann family. The site is carefully designed and clear. I think it is important that in the era Amazon Such bold initiatives are supported. I keep my fingers crossed!
"Hartmann family welcomes you in its new Online bookstore. A great books program offers diversified in the virtual bookstore. In the family-owned bookstore you can order high-quality books, literature and educational children's books at low prices. Find some books or children's books of certain publishers or certain authors, you will always find cheap books and children's books in our book store or in our online bookstore . "
link of the week

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pregnant Broken Capillaries All Over

Why read German students better

Lisa Aigner writes on 01/03/2011 at the Austrian "Standard":
"Compared to Austria, the school career longer and the joy of learning more." Germany is catching up, "said the German Ministry of Education, the publication of the Pisa study, commented in 2009." The result is devastating, "said the Austrian Minister of Education Claudia Smith (SPÖ) in response to the results. Although the two systems are comparable (and in Germany there are secondary schools and grammar schools and only a few comprehensive schools) and the proportion of tested migrants equal, managed Germany from the "Pisa to recover shock "in 2000.
Germany has achieved in reading with 497 points, the OECD Average. Compared to 2000, Germany has thus improved by 13 points. Austria, however, has reached only 470 points in reading, in 2000 the figure was still 492 ... "
Lisa Aigner in the course of the article examines the question of what Germany does so better than Austria . Among other things, she picks out three points:
  1. Germany's education system offers more time for systematic learning,
  2. has a long education,
  3. the attitude towards learning is positive right in Germany
The full article