here I put an item before the last newsletter, which is only available to subscribers. It's about the often underestimated reading goals:
novels, murder mysteries or interesting stories to read differently than technical, material and text books, reports, newspapers, magazines, trade magazines or e-mail.
- In the first case the so-called dream reading is automatically switched on and follow us to the thoughts of the author's daydreaming can be flights, internal attitude in the second case is quite different from "serious". The text is not to edify us "give up", but information. This objectification first acts reducing emotional and more difficult simply by the reading process not insignificant.
- Here is another technique of reading must be used, the so-called knowledge-reading. Many people know this intuitively without reading instruction philosophy, often by example. They are good students and then later the later the good students with good qualifications. hardly imagine, the knowledge-reading would be taught explicitly in school.
- crucial for knowledge-Reading is the question of the task, it follows the design of the reading target. If it is a condensing or a search task?
- When it comes to compressing Read the release of the key messages about finding and remembering the Essentially a text.
- This is usually confused with the search reading. This is about finding information in a text, which are essentially important for a particular task.
- corresponding differences in the reading objectives must be formulated. This one writes best in a post-it notes, preserving them during the reading process in view.
- The targets should appropriately formulated in question form so that the brain finds reading responses.
- for the compressor Read: "What information, ideas, relationships are worth it / are important enough for are now communicated this upcoming event (benennen!) my boss / my friends / colleagues to my nemesis? And what can I just leave? ". It is interesting that the structure thus found very strong position in its memory. With Mind Maps even better for the search
- reading. "What kind of information, ideas, relationships are what bring me closer to my work / project / team goal? What I would like to hold (for example, in a mind map)? On what ideas I have come by it? How and where I will continue searching? In what way would this change my goal / my attitude?
- It is important, before embarking on extensive reading and editing functions make to make themselves aware of the difference in the objective. Not doing so, one falls others with the whining about the information overload on your nerves.
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