Sunday, March 6, 2011

Can You Freeze Food In Stainless Steel Pot

Paris Woman HW 2011: Junya Watanabe ... Dior by Galliano

solved almost 30 years ago Japanese designers, especially Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto in Paris, a fashion revolution. They encouraged Unrest, a non-propagated mode in the aftermath of the glitzy glamorous 70-he opposed a disturbing ruins look. Black was later than for non-color mode and 30 years, it is avant-garde, if you wear colors.
Junya Watanabe is the second generation and is a protégé Kawakubo. With his new collection, he sets a counterpoint, showing how far his fashion in the French tradition is now well established. He cites playing the great French fashion houses, Dior's New Look, the bar model initiated delivered as a template in what way the rounded shoulders to form a loose Cristobal Balenciaga. Even Lavin can be seen, but that of Alber Elbaz. And the current Balmain.
Japanese designers wrapped the body, it was always about a protective wall of clothes to create. Cocooning was called early in the new millennium. Watanabe's body is now modeled, he formed leather jackets in which he strengthened them in the manner of corsets with chopsticks. Combined, these tops to bell-like skirts and narrow pants.

find the same time, of course, the eunuchs at first acting as knitwear and again how trapierte cocktail dresses. Asymmetrically misshapen and they wrap around the body, can, with our present view of fashion, just unfold hardly a disturbing effect.
The non-black is so integrated into our lives that is not comprehensible once more what it could trigger once. Does the other hand, better by the stained skins, such as hyenas (artificial) fur? "In All the beasts of prey, it is undoubtedly the monstrous loathsome phenomenon, but now come to this nor the mental qualities to make hateful to the animal." Said the zoologist Alfred Brehm.
By 19 to
June, the Haus der Kunst in Munich, the exhibition 'Future Beauty - 30 Years of Japanese fashion ' instead. Since there is the opportunity to make yourself a picture of what was so disturbing in this fashion again. But how this fashion enhanced and a new generation with this great heritage deal.
refers to this issue at the next Friday, a lecture from the series 'fashion fad' instead. The reference and the review which I post in the coming days.

images from


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