Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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book, "The Dyslexia tale"

who fails to challenge a doubt, most his talent: But the road to success is obviously not just a question of intelligence. New U.S. studies do suggest that persistence is a crucial factor. Regular reward to help. And continues:
to be successful in the job order, it is apparently not only on intelligence and talent. A critical success factor is rather the persistence of its employees. The report, published in Hamburg magazine "vital". New U.S. study shows that persistence is a key success factor that is ranked ahead of intelligence or talent. Even at six-year-olds was observed that the most intelligent Children learn to read the first, but the most persistent. The Frankfurt management trainer Diana Dreeßen do know from experience that straight women have a problem with the stamina. The reason she sees, among other things, that women are too much focused on their weaknesses: "He who sees self as inadequate, the pleasure and meaning are lost its objective," said Drees. But persistence can be learned well. The most important requirement: interest. For only in what you do like, you stay on time on the ball and that is necessary, as inevitable after the first initial success, sets a period of stagnation. This so-called plateau effect, have head and body to the mental or physical strain used - whether it be playing golf or in a foreign language. To overcome this phase must be exposed to new stimuli, such as through new training methods or a change of environment. Who wants to keep long term, to strengthen his motivation also through regular rewards
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Monday, April 26, 2010

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perseverance is more important than intelligence

The two-week service from Zurich ( mhh) early as preschool age, the brain develops a complex network that specializes in learning to read during the processing of writing and reading contributes significantly to the liquid. Researchers at the Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Zurich and the Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä (Finland) have shown that this happens very quickly, when children practice early in the links between speech sounds and letters ... full article

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1 1 / 2 quarters.

uh I give to see because we're a little pale and wrinkled from. but it was still cold and no spring in sight. I particularly like the glasses antenna, which protrudes from the back of the head to me.

at the moment, rolls over the time, she has been at least 3 points in Flensburg frenzy for the tax. for drunkenness, however, no time.

for it to have lots of acquaintances and art, an almost victorious in the Schauspielhaus in Hamburg and a new tuner.

the way my eyes are inflamed. and the cat has vomited all night gewölle. well that only rené wakes them ;-)

tjaha, the yellow flag of victory now someone else has on the balcony. wars but beautiful nonetheless. Here's a impression of the room, you need it you only to the last space-filled present. and before that I, with my guitar and feedback. hui. and then Oedipus rex in Lunenburg, and then another train ride at 30 ° C and then plan nor parents evening and then felt it ...

see what ignited my eyes? breakfast coffee in bed ... aaaaah. Ciao ... I'm out.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

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reading is independent of trainable disposition

in our alpha-reading seminars, while not "gezappelt," but the participants are still alternating between learning and movement conditions. This article was published on 20.02.2009 in Bonn's General-Anzeiger.