Monday, December 21, 2009

Greco-roman Wrestling San Diego


Winter is a real man,
nuclear-proof and in the long run;
his flesh feels like iron,
he does not shy sweet nor sour.

If broken stone and bone from frost
and pond and lake crash;
that it sounds good, he does not hate, then he wants
dead laugh.

His castle is completely out of ice at the North Pole
to the shore;
but he also has a summer home in dear
Swiss countryside.

As soon as he is there and here,
lead to good government,
and if he pulls through, we stand and gaze at him
and freeze.
Matthias Claudius

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To Remove Emerson Garbage Disposal From Sink


again ill.
it was just too much going on the last day.
eventually avenged the way things are.
choir, uni, guitar, diploma Christmas, work ...
and now lie in bed, sore throat, tea, sniffly ...
holiday is not either. Witten
the typical December weather has already begun,
rain rain rain that means.
la nuevoguitarra but is already collected. (Yay).
kitty is in their nest cover from the heating,
not give much thought to her figure or the next day.
I'm the neck pain.
I'll just go make tea.