Monday, December 21, 2009

Greco-roman Wrestling San Diego


Winter is a real man,
nuclear-proof and in the long run;
his flesh feels like iron,
he does not shy sweet nor sour.

If broken stone and bone from frost
and pond and lake crash;
that it sounds good, he does not hate, then he wants
dead laugh.

His castle is completely out of ice at the North Pole
to the shore;
but he also has a summer home in dear
Swiss countryside.

As soon as he is there and here,
lead to good government,
and if he pulls through, we stand and gaze at him
and freeze.
Matthias Claudius

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To Remove Emerson Garbage Disposal From Sink


again ill.
it was just too much going on the last day.
eventually avenged the way things are.
choir, uni, guitar, diploma Christmas, work ...
and now lie in bed, sore throat, tea, sniffly ...
holiday is not either. Witten
the typical December weather has already begun,
rain rain rain that means.
la nuevoguitarra but is already collected. (Yay).
kitty is in their nest cover from the heating,
not give much thought to her figure or the next day.
I'm the neck pain.
I'll just go make tea.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Build An Ice Arena

what you need.

You only need
an island alone in the vast sea.
It takes only one person
but you need the lot.

Masha Kaléko

Monday, October 26, 2009

What To Wear With Knee-length Skirt


blow up the fears continued
and the fear of anxiety.
For the few years should be enough anything yet.
the bread in the box
and the suit in the closet.

not my forecast. It
you everything is borrowed.
Live on time, and see
how little you need.
lessons you to sleep.
consider and prepare the case.

It's true what they say: What must
come, come.
Go to the suffering of contract. And it is
there, still see him in the face.
It is ephemeral as happiness.

Expect nothing.
hats and your concern Secret.
The brother tells
it is about you or him.
your own shadow to take

Feg your room comfortable.
and exchange greetings with the neighbors.
clear the fence and the bell at the gate.
The wound in you keep awake
under the roof in the meantime.

tear your plans.
Be smart and keep up with wonder.
They are long already listed in the grand plan.
blow up the fears continued
and the fear of anxiety.

Masha Kaléko

Monday, October 12, 2009

How Much Does A Used Trumpet Sell For

thesis front.

now I am firmly convinced that the thesis is not important, WHAT to write or what. No, it's solely a matter of WILL TRAINING, as one would say among the anthroposophists.
Great. Had I known that before.
But do not worry: I win this fight
. Who else Exactly.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Protection Sentinel Hack


I love you no matter
because you are so, but because I'm so
if I can be with you.
I do not love you because of all that
what you made of you,
but for what you make of me.
I love you for my better I want
you know that show return you ...
I love you
because you put on hand on my overflowing heart
and all the frivolities and weaknesses to see
overlooked that can not be
and for all that is beautiful and good,
bring to the fore,
to find no one else looked deep enough ...
I love you because you
your ears to the discords in me shuts
and enhance instead of listening
awesome the music in me.
I love you because you help me to
to erect the building site of my life not a tavern, but a temple
like you help me, that my daily words
reproach, but vocals are
I love you because you have contributed more to my happiness,
as if it had any other person could do
and You did it without a touch,
without a word without a sign.
You did it simply by
that you are yourself.
And probably it is that
what is meant by friendship ...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tell Roommates To Clean Out Lint Filter


August in Witten.
We love us still. (More).
The sun is shining. It is cloudy.
Sally's wound heals slowly.
My thesis is produced. SLOW.
René has a lot of work.
I play guitar. Soon the site is
out ready.
I'm going soon to Lübeck.
morning I have to work.
Miez distributed socks in the apartment. And panties.
I lose my tan.
René makes tea.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Synergeyes® Multifocal


now is the constance holiday already in the final round. at last the sun shines. after the sauna by the pool you can see from the sailing ships, and the bell ringing hear the Swiss almkühe. the champagne is chilled. we go to eat feldbachschlösschenin plug born in Switzerland, where we sit on the banks of the lake with trees 200 years and the waves hear dripping. we could still go out a round with the motorboat, to Constance. or have a late breakfast on the veranda. or .. or ..

.. or we just stay in the sun. now and forever.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yiff Interactive Game


30 ° C in the shade. Still cloudy and covered and regular showers. Phew. This is summer in Witten.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Much Are Purses At Albertville Coash

goodbye my spooky boyfriend. or how olli schulz says:

My time with you was cruel, cold and empty
How many times have we lied to us?
From the road that leads us safely home
Are we very quickly bent
We were hopelessly lost in a world
It was so far from the love
And the way that we went
For there was never motifs

And I do not remember if we were ever happy
Everything seems so distant and alien
But I am sure that the pain does not wait
Goodbye my spooky girlfriend

feel even if we touched I could not get up
As more and what lay between
Over time, our world was so cold
We unlearn to kiss
We were too busy with the torture
The two of us not understand
and were usually of a small tragedy,
That we both staged

And I do not remember if we ever happy were
Everything seems so distant and alien
But tonight I'll throw you out of my head
Goodbye my spooky girlfriend

Rarely you were only you
Mostly you were someone else
Someone who pretended he was you
And I do not remember if we ever happy were
Everything seems so distant and alien
I kiss you for the last time
Goodbye my spooky girlfriend
Goodbye my spooky girlfriend
Goodbye my spooky girlfriend
Goodbye my spooky girlfriend

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hair Extensions From Sallys

horse stealing.

. .. my Sally. And finally we go again. Soreness Alert! Greetings from solar-Witten!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How To Tighten Loosen Weave


Monday, April 20, 2009

Silverado Ss For Sale In Edmonton

stage fright.

.. only 3 days until the premiere.

A mean Full text nasty hook.

But a great ensemble.

And hopefully a full house.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do I Put Best Wishes On A Sympathy Card


... just bought at Ikea a balcony upgrade (table and chairs and lantern), and a baking dish in horses look. In addition, next week probably the first film shoot of my life, and the same with Star ;-) The sun struggles bravely through the clouds Witten, hurts the head and back, is now here, birthday and Easter and all I got new shoes and the first sunspots . And also still not feel like writing homework. Dear sun.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Table Seating Charts Unique Ideas

summer longing.

We needed before any big trip

We were brown on Borkum and Sylt

But today, the Browns only white
For here is one anyway just frozen
Yes, earlier there was or heat-free,
the swimming pool was on in May
I sat up at night outside our house
Since we had sunburn
and giant jellyfish on the beach
And ice.
And every policeman took off his jacket.
When is summer's again right?
A summer as he once was ....
Yes, with sunshine from June to September
but not so wet and so Siberian like last year.

And what we had there for heat waves ...
sweater manufacturers were received. Since it was
up to forty degrees in the shade
We had to be careful with the water.
The sun popped in the face,
because you needed the sauna is not
A sheep was happy then when it is shaved.
It was here, as in Africa, who could, took nude
But today's buzz, all mosquitoes present in the loud chorus

When is summer's again right?
A Summer as he once was ....
Yes, with sunshine from June to September
but not so wet and so Siberian like last year.
The winter was the flop of the century was only about a thousand meters
it snow
My milkman says: This climate here, what a surprise?
blame because it is only the SPD.
I find ', which goes a bit far, but soon is back
And who thinks of us not care about it constantly?
think Nevertheless, I steadfastly
that our weather is better
Only when?
This question concerns us all.

When is summer's again right?
A summer as he once was ....
Yes, with sunshine from June to September
but not so wet and so Siberian like last year.

Breakfast Cereal For Diabetics


"The ideal of perfect health is merely scientifically interesting.
disease belongs to the individualization."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shelf Life For Ensure

me shudders at myself, I shake every limb,
If I Lipp and Nas, and both eyes divide the
are blind by the guards, breath heavy air
considered and the now erstorbnen eye lids.
The tongue, black from the fire, falls with the words down and mumbles
I do not know what, the weary soul calls
to the great Comforter, the flesh is calling for the tomb;
The doctors let me, the pain come back.
My body is not more than veins, skin and bone.
Sitting is my death, lying my pain.
The legs themselves have now probably needed support.
What is the high fame and youth, honor and art?
When this time comes, everything is smoke and haze,
And an emergency we must kill all intent.

Andreas Gryphius

Ivory Chess Set India

broken to yourself.

thanks to Sally's madness, I was now with a broken vertebra on the couch. At least not a corset, but almost crutches, and 3 pain pills per day.
Today is my first visit to the MRT, very pleasant, a bit loud but I was warm and I could then look at me from the inside - who can say the same. 6 weeks
sports ban - no joke, I had just decided to train me fine spring. Probably not first. But at least a good excuse for the non-existent bikini.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Uti And Brown Discharge Pregnant?


to vomit is to puke.
and after 1 week of rain finally sun, and I'm sitting here in front of the bucket.
but better. thank you thank you.